do law differently
motivating people into action
For me, being a speaker is about turning ideas into practical steps to help motivate people into action. My presentations are full of stories and practical tips and are delivered with passion.
I love to speak about law firm innovation, legal practice management and operations, leadership culture and the career/family juggle.
speaker topics
Current range of presentations
This list showcases my current range of speaker topics, all of which can be delivered as keynote presentations or workshops.
It's Time To Do Law Differently: How to Reshape Your Firm and Regain Your Life
Based on my book, this keynote presentation is designed to help law firm leaders cut through the noise about legal innovation and develop a strategy for their firm.
There's no denying that the legal profession is changing. Now more than ever is the time to challenge conventional thinking and come up with better ways to do business. There's lots of talk about why we need to change, but far less about how to actually do it. My presentation offers a six-step blueprint to transform your firm, regain control of your business and achieve greater success on every level.
Practical, engaging and inspiring, this presentation will leave you knowing not only what to do, but, more importantly, how to do it.Productise and Profit!
Bootcamp! Everything you ever wanted to know about working in a law firm (but were afraid to ask)
You know the drill at university, but now the time has come to start your career in law. Starting a new role can be daunting, especially if you’ve never stepped foot in a law firm before.
From how to answer the telephone, to drafting basic correspondence and strategies for working with partners and managing clients, this session will cover everything you ever wanted to know about law firms but were too afraid to ask.
Taking Control: 12 practical time management strategies for busy lawyers
Good time management is an essential skill for a successful lawyer. The challenge, of course, is that there are so many competing priorities, it can be hard to fit them all in.
In this presentation, I share 12 practical strategies to help you operate more efficiently and alleviate unnecessary stress as you navigate your weeks. You'll learn how to understand your own unique work style and use it to manage your time and energy to achieve what matters most.
The Map For Getting Big Things Done
How to Manage The Juggle
The business case for flexible work
Media resources
Download Lucy’s Speaker Kit, bio and photos and see examples of her speaking and interview style.
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