Category: Leadership

I know many of you find legal innovation overwhelming at times. I get it, there are so many competing ideas and views that it......

I'm so proud to have been recognised as a finalist in the Lawyers Weekly Australian Law Awards Innovator of the Year award for my......

Or maybe it’s more correct to say I’ve written it. The first draft is done, at least. According to my writing coach, it’s a......

Albert Einstein said, “in the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity.” There’s no question that we’re in the midst of a global crisis.......

The coronavirus crisis is providing excellent grounds for firms to do law differently.  We’re all being challenged to rethink the ways we engage with......

Like you, my inbox has been bombarded with emails about the current world health pandemic. Like you, I’ve been feeling anxious, uncertain and scared......

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it's time to do law differently
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